Privacy Policy


Effective Date: August 3, 2023


1.1. Kaleo Sp. z o.o. (VAT ID: 9552364354) values the privacy of its customers and users. This Privacy Policy is intended to explain how we collect, process, use, and protect personal data, as well as the rights of our customers related to their personal data.


Types of Collected Personal Data
2.1. Kaleo may collect the following personal data from customers:

First and last name,
Email address and phone number,
Payment information,
Data required for lease agreements,
Data necessary to ensure a comfortable stay in the rented apartment,
Other data voluntarily provided by customers when using our services.


Purposes of Collecting Personal Data

3.1. Customer personal data is collected for the following purposes:

Booking apartments and managing reservations,
Executing lease agreements and providing services,
Customer support and resolving stay-related issues,
Processing payments,
Ensuring the security of customers and our services,
Sending information about promotions, special offers, and updates (only with the explicit consent of the customer).

Protection of Personal Data

4.1. Kaleo employs appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data from loss, unauthorized access, unauthorized modification, or disclosure.
4.2. Access to personal data is granted only to authorized individuals associated with Kaleo’s activities and cooperating entities subject to appropriate confidentiality agreements.


Sharing of Personal Data
5.1. Customer personal data may be shared with external entities only to the extent necessary to perform our services, such as payment providers, hosting service providers, marketing service providers, etc.
5.2. Kaleo does not sell or provide customers’ personal data to third parties for marketing purposes without the explicit consent of the customer.


Retention Period of Personal Data
6.1. Customer personal data will be retained by Kaleo for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected, unless legal regulations require longer retention.


Customer Rights Regarding Personal Data
7.1. Customers have the right to access their personal data, correct it, delete it, restrict its processing, and request data portability.
7.2. To exercise these rights, the customer should contact the Company using the provided contact details.


Cookies and Tracking Technologies
8.1. Our website may use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve the quality of our services and analyze website traffic. For more information, please refer to our Cookie Policy.


Changes to the Privacy Policy
9.1. Kaleo reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy. All changes will be published on our website and will take effect from the date of their publication.


10.1. Any questions, concerns, or requests related to the protection of personal data can be directed to Kaleo at:

71-500 Szczecin, Al. Wyzwolenia 46/4B or via email at:


We assure you that the protection of our customers’ personal data is of utmost importance to us, and we will take all necessary steps to ensure adequate protection. Thank you for your trust and for using our services!

© 2023 Kaleo - Hanza Apartamenty Szczecin. All rights reserved.

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